2-6 de junio, 2014. SantanderThe IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology presents a forum for authors to publish expanded papers in a Special Issue on the 23rd International Conference on OPTICAL FIBER SENSORS.
The Chairs of the conference serve as Guest Editors in this endeavor.
On behalf of the Guest Editors and the Editor-in-Chief, we encourage you to submit an expanded version of your accepted conference paper to the journal. Typically, these papers are 5 to 7 pages in length. Mandatory page charges of $260USD per page are enforced in excess of 7 pages. This paper would appear in an upcoming JLT special issue titled «OFS 23.» Normally, a large number of invitees take advantage of the opportunity. Based on this, we hope you will be able to submit such a paper.
Submissions by website only: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jlt-ieee
Manuscript Type: “OFS23”
Submission questions: Doug Hargis, Journal of Lightwave Technology d.hargis@ieee.org
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to the following:
• Physical, Mechanical, and Electromagnetic Sensors
• Chemical, Environmental, Biological and Medical Sensors and Biophotonics
• Interferometric and Polarimetric Sensors including Gyroscopes
• Micro- and Nano-structured Fiber Sensors including the Photonic Crystal Fibers and Gratings Sensors
• Multiplexing and Sensor Networking
• Distributed Sensing
• Smart Structures and Sensors including the SHM systems
• Sensor Application, Field Tests and Standardization
• New fibers, Devices and Subsystems for Photonic Sensing including the ones for security and defense
• New Concepts for Photonic Sensing
Chairs& Guest Editors:
General chair: Prof. José Miguel López-Higuera, University of Cantabria, Spain
Prof. Julian Jones, Heriot Watt University, UK, Co-Chair
Technical Co-Chair: Prof. Manuel López-Amo, Public University of Navarra, Spain
Prof. Jose L. Santos, University of Porto, Portugal, Technical Co-Chair