Photonics21 has launched the publication consultation of the Photonics Strategic Multiannual Roadmap which outlines an overall direction of a Photonics Public Private Partnership in the frame of Horizon 2020 and provides the basis for photonics research and innovation call topics. The consultation offers the public the opportunity to provide their feedback to the photonics roadmap.In the frame of the last 12 months the ETP Photonics21 conducted an interactive photonics roadmap process within the seven Photonics21 Work Groups. During the workshop sessions participants were invited to provide their input and views, which were then discussed and lead to consensus on each Work Group section to the Photonics Strategic Multiannual Roadmap. Following these close consultations with representatives of the photonics industry, of research institutes as well as stakeholders of other related European Technology Platforms the Photonics Strategic Multiannual Roadmap has been edited by the Work Group Chairs. Each section was then circulated to the specific Photonics21 Work Group membership for wider consultation. This consultation process has provided opportunities for European industrial and research stakeholders to contribute to the photonics roadmap.
The public consultation remains open until the 15 February 2013 and will be closed after this date. You can download the PHOTONICS STRATEGIC MULTIANNUAL ROADMAP. If you would like to provide your feedback we would kindly ask you to include your comments into the photonics roadmap document and send it to . How to mark a pdf document is explained here: HTTP://WWW.EHOW.COM/LIST_7424516_ADOBE-READER-MARK-UP-TOOLS.HTML
The Photonics Strategic Multiannual Roadmap will be presented to the European Commission in the frame of the next Photonics21 Annual Meeting which has been scheduled on the 29 & 30 April 2013.
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